Substation Design Suite-Physical for Inventor

Substation Design Suite™ – Physical for Inventor

SDS Physical tools include:

-Tools for Ground Grid, Trench Layout and Conduit Modeling

-Fitting Placement Tools

-Tools to Model Cable and Bus Layout

-Lightning Protection Design

-Tools to Work with Point Cloud Scans for Brownfield Projects

-Corona and Bus Design Calculations

-Design Checks Include Phase to Ground, Phase to Phase, Fence Safety Clearance and Live part to Roadway Clearance. (Check out our Utility DataHub (UDH) to add additional design check capabilities)

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Frequently Asked Questions about
Substation Design Suite™

Do I have to purchase the entire suite? Or can I purchase separate modules?
Many of our customers only do physical or electrical design. Because of this, our modules are sold separately.
Does SBS provide training for Substation Design Suite™?
Yes! SBS provides training and mentoring programs. Learn more information about our offerings.
Do I need Autodesk Inventor or can I use Autodesk Inventor LT?
Autodesk Inventor is required. Substation Design Suite™ is not compatible with Autodesk Inventor LT.
Does Substation Design Suite™ provide substation content?
Substation Design Suite™ utilizes our Utility Content product for substation content. With Utility Content you can gain access to manufacturer models or create models with our Content Configurator to help design intelligent 3D substations. Please visit Utility Content at to learn more.