Substation Design Suite™ Protection & Control (SDS P&C) version 8.1 is now available.  This new release includes over thirty product improvements designed to improve usability, electrical design efficiency, and quality. 

SDS P&C extends the power of AutoCAD® Electrical to provide advanced electrical substation design capabilities necessary to fully layout and specify an electric substation. With the newest enhancements in version 8.1, you can now more efficiently produce quality substation protection and control designs. Here are six of our favorite updates: 

  • Wild Card and Find/Replace Data Editor
    • Processes multiple instances of the same set of wild-carded “standard drawings” in an overall project drawing set.
  • Wiring Diagram Connection Count QA Check 
    • Checks annotated wiring diagrams and creates a surfable list of terminal and device pin connections that have more than two wire connections on a single pin termination.
  • Cable Auto Fan-ins on Connection Wiring Diagrams
    • Does in one minute what might normally take hours or even days on intelligent terminal strip connection wiring diagrams.   
  • Job/WO and Status Marking/Tracking/Reporting 
    • Integrates job, work order, and status assignments into various reports and saves and restores client-specific sets of job and work order status names.  
  • Ribbon User Interface
    • Makes several SDS-specific tools only a click away and adds some frequently used base AutoCAD Electrical tools. 
  • Context -sensitive, comprehensive Help System
    • Covers new 8.1 capabilities.  

If you’re interested in learning more about SDS P&C, please contact us at Click here to download the newest version.