SBS Automated Utility Design™ (AUD) supports product-level integration with the SPIDA Software SPIDAcalc product. The integration provides a highly functional, straightforward way to validate AUD designs within SPIDAcalc. The integration is enabled via the analysis module of SBS Utility DataHub™. While workflows at different utilities may vary, the process typically goes as follows:
First, within AUD, a designer lays out pole locations, future services, transformers, and other key elements of the design project.

Second, once the design is laid out in AUD, it is sent to SPIDAcalc for verification. SPIDAcalc then verifies that the framing is valid. As SPIDAcalc analyzes the build, features will change colors (green for pass, red for fail).

Third, after analysis is performed, the build is exported back to AUD where it can be accessed via the Project Viewer.
Features that have passed validation within SPIDAcalc are displayed in AUD. Features that failed validation will display a warning. Once the failed feature has been selected, the attributes (specific to SPIDAcalc) appear on the dashboard.